M.Sc. Nursing
Masters of Science in Nursing falls under the post graduate degree which is a higher and advanced level of education. Here the nurses choose a field of course over the five different specialization area offered by different nursing institutions. The M.Sc. Nursing course is of two years which is structured to provide deep knowledge of the specialized field the students have chosen. This course gives an intense understating of theories and clinical training that are required to be for a nurse to be an expert in their particular field. The nurses during the course are prepared for the leadership position to be specialized nurse practitioners, consultants, administrators, educators and investigators in various professional settings.
The M.Sc. Nursing, which is also known as MN or even MNS, is usually done by the registered nurses to level-up their professional career. This course is generally regarded as an entry-level nursing degree for nurse educators and managers. While undergoing this course the students will be able to know the integration of life science and health science which will encourage them to be more devoted. The M.Sc. Nursing course prepares a better nurse for every aspect of future career by making them understand about the ethical conduct, treatment of illness, spreading of diseases, caring for patients and making an effective judgment.
While we talk about the five specialization areas of masters’ study, they are medical-surgical nursing, psychiatric nursing, paediatrics nursing, obstetrics and gynaecology nursing and community health nursing. The medical-surgical nursing is an area which deals with the health of adult patients and nurses are responsible for taking care of patients in care units, ambulatory care units, surgical centres, emergency care units and so on. Psychiatric Nursing is a field which directly deals with the mental health of patients and nurses works in mental institutions, psychiatric hospitals, mental asylums and so on.
Pediatrics Nursing is everything related to infant and child health care where the nurses deal with the health issues related to children. The next specialization area of M.Sc. Nursing degree is obstetrics and gynaecology nursing. The nurses of this are deals with the woman’s health where they take care of a woman during their pregnancy, child labor, birth etc. The next and the last area which nurses choose is community health nursing where nurses get trained in the area of health care of the community. The graduated nurses of this field deal with the health problem existing in the rural and urban community.
Here nurses are also prepared to enhance their communication, writing, presentation and analysing skills so that they can easily deal with every level of people in a standard way. This course not only prepares the students for an advancement of the career or career opportunities it also provides the benefit of getting a higher degree, doctorate programs. Mainly the M.Sc. Nursing graduates became nurse leader, educator or manager of any healthcare firm after they complete this course and have adequate experience. The nurses also choose their working area according to the specialized study course they have chosen. Some nurses become a medical surgeon, psychiatric, obstetrics and gynaecologist, community health worker or paediatrics.
Eligibility Criteria
Every nursing institution has the rigid conditions to select the candidates for the enrollment of M.Sc. nursing course. As this is an advanced level of study there are selective numbers of students in each specialization course. Some of the eligibility criteria for this course are:
- Candidates must be a registered nurse or registered midwife
- The age limit for the candidates is 48 years
- Candidates need to be medically fit
- Standard level of English
Education Qualification
A candidate to get into this course needs a certain level of education qualification where some years of work experience can be a plus point. The educational background of the interested person should be suitable to study the M.Sc. Nursing Course. Here are some of the required education qualifications for entering this course:
- Candidates must have completed B.Sc. Nursing/ PB B.Sc. Nursing/ B.Sc. Hons. Nursing course
- 50% marks in B.Sc. Nursing or PB B.Sc. Nursing
- Minimum of 1-year work experience after B.Sc. in a hospital or community health setup
Admission process
The admission process comes at the end of the enrollment process. There even come many legal formalities that must be completed before a student can study in the particular college. Different institute has their own admission processes; here are the main procedures one has to follow to get enrolled in M.Sc. Nursing course:
- Fill the required application forms
- Attend entrance exam if necessary
- Present all the legal documents if asked
- Provide eight copies of passport size photographs
- All the details documents related to prior study
- Fees payment after the clearance of entrance exam
Course Syllabus
As this post graduate degree is a high level of study, the course structure is very well-designed. The course is made in such a way that it boosts the confidence level of students with all the theories and training. All the five different specialized area has same course structure:
1st Year
- Nursing Education
- Advanced Nursing Practice
- Nursing Research & Statistics
- Clinical Specialty-I
- Self-study/library
2nd Year
- Nursing Management
- Nursing Research (Dissertation)
- Clinical Specialty-II
Further Studies
There are some high-level studies which the M.Sc. Nursing graduates can get enrolled in after their graduation. The course further enhances the skills, capability and knowledge of the nurses for more advance opportunities. Some of the further studies are:
- M Phil or PhD Science in Nursing
- M Phil or PhD in Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing
- M Phil or PhD in Pediatric Nursing
- M Phil or PhD in Psychiatric Nursing
- M Phil or PhD of Philosophy in Nursing
Career Prospects
The nurses who study this course already have a certain period of work experiences before they get into the M.Sc. Nursing course. There are many areas where the M.Sc. nursing graduates can work as a qualified nurse.
- Hospitals
- General medical ward
- General surgical ward
- Emergency Department
- Casualty
- Pediatric Intensive
- Clinics
- Old Age Homes
- Orphanages
- Medical Departments
- Nursing Homes
- Schools or University
- Old Age Homes
- Orphanages
- Factories
- Training Institutes
- Old Age Homes
- Orphanages
- Military
- Health Departments
- Corporate or Industrial Houses
Job Opportunities
As M.Sc. Nursing graduates, there are many opportunities that nurses get after they complete this course. The nurses not only get the chance to work in health sectors but also in other various educational and industrial sectors. Some of the fields where the nurses can get job opportunities are:
- Academic research
- Medical Surgical Nursing
- Community Health Nursing
- Pediatric Nursing
- Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing
- Psychiatric Nursing
- Lecturer, educator, professor or instructor
- Corporate or industrial nurse
M.Sc. Nursing Colleges in Bangalore
Some of the best M.Sc. Nursing College in Bangalore are:
- Manipal College of Nursing
- Raja Rajeswari College of Nursing
- Roohi College of Nursing
- Nightingale Institute of Nursing
- Banaswadi College of Nursing
- Diana College of Nursing
- IKON Nursing School
- Koshys College of Nursing
- Mahatma Gandhi Professional College of Nursing
- Padmashree College of Nursing